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Parents’ guide to creating healthy screen time habits for kids

Recent studies have shown youngsters who spend too much time in front of a television, computer screen, tablet or smartphone are more likely to struggle with anger and emotional issues.

The key for parents is finding a healthy balance that works for everyone, especially since online learning and classroom projects often require students to sit in front of a screen, says Dr. Lucretia Carter, medical director of Tidelands Health Pediatrics.

“We do have to make sure our children are getting quality content from screen time and make sure we’re aware of any hazards that may come from non-education-related content,” she says.

More studies are needed to establish proof that excessive screen time can impact cognitive development, but a flurry of smaller studies shows the brain can be negatively affected in children who’ve been exposed to excessive screen time or more violent or aggressive-type screening, Dr. Carter says.

Negative cognitive results may include weaker attention spans and the inability to control emotions.

“There is an opportunity to reverse or reduce that negative impact, but we really need to focus on teaching our children about appropriate screening during the early years rather than in the later years,” she says.

How can parents strike that perfect balance to reap the benefits of screen time for their children? Dr. Carter suggests:

“Make sure they’re comfortable with letting you know when something online is making them uncomfortable so you can further investigate,” Dr. Carter says. “Whether you have young children or a teen, screen time is inevitably something parents are going to need to monitor.”

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